The Importance Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Services

Mental health services are primarily seen as something for adults. We take the time to enter treatment programs for behavioral issues when we develop substance abuse disorders, anger management issues, or other traits that limit our ability to be productive members of society. We seek out psychiatrists for mental health disorders when the negative influences of the adult world lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. However, we can’t overlook the mental health crises affecting our children and teenagers.

Child and Adolescent psychiatric services are just as important. Our kids go through experiences and changes that are difficult to navigate, and familial support may not be enough. Professional psychiatrists can offer a safe space where younger patients are given the time and respect to talk about their problems and express themselves. Over a series of sessions, they can get to the root of problems, determine a treatment plan, and hopefully allow for positive changes.

Child Psychiatric Services

Things get a little different when it comes to child psychiatric services. Finding centers that are skilled in both adult and child psychiatric services can be difficult. Some facilities will focus all their attention on providing a wide range of adult services for a comprehensive, holistic approach. Others will focus on designing programs purely with child healthcare in mind to make them more accessible and friendly. Finding somewhere that does both can make a difference to patients and their loved ones. This is where that focus on individualized care can be so beneficial. Children dealing with serious problems should experience the same level of care with a personalized approach that gets to the root of the problem.

Child psychiatric care often revolves around dealing with emotional and behavioral health. Therapists, like those working with Dr. Jonathan Schwartz, can help kids who struggle to express themselves or act out through undesirable behaviors. Kids who struggle to focus or who parents may label as naughty tend to do so as a reaction to an underlying mental health condition or emotional trauma. It is the responsibility of trained professionals to help kids understand why they are the way they are, that it’s normal to feel that way, and that they can make better choices. Kids can leave sessions with better skills for managing their emotional health and the confidence to express themselves more advantageously.

Adolescent Psychiatric Services

Then, there’s the field of adolescent psychiatric care. The adolescent years are not the same as childhood at all. Our emotional health care needs change, and we experience mental health issues more akin to adults. It’s a confusing and difficult period where we’re expected to become more mature and handle adult situations but are still treated as children by families, schools, legal systems, and more. Therapists who focus on this age range can help their patients easily navigate complex problems.

Too often, teenagers hear that they’re going through a phase or that it’s just their hormonal changes making them feel a certain way. While hormonal fluctuations are certainly a concern for teenagers dealing with sexual maturity, there’s much more going on than that. Skilled therapists in adolescent behavioral health can help those struggling with relationship issues, academic performance, and violent tendencies, among other issues. Patients who struggle to deal with the pressures of school, their first romantic relationships, or other significant life challenges can engage in cognitive behavioral therapy sessions to improve the situation.

There’s also great potential in mental health services for teens who may be struggling with stress, anxiety, or depression. These mental health disorders could be underlying problems exacerbating behavioral issues. Some teens may also end up dealing with grief, family break-ups, and other traumas that make life even harder to handle. We can’t overlook the fact that suicide is the third leading cause of death for those in their late teens and early twenties. Effective therapy sessions could prove to be life-saving, not just life-changing.

Family Psychiatric Services

Finally, there are the sessions that involve the whole family. These services are vital for patients dealing with bigger family upheavals and deep-rooted issues. There is a good chance that the mental health and behavioral issues experienced by both children and teenagers are the result of their home environment. Perhaps they feel they can’t express themselves very well at home because it’s second nature for family members to bottle up emotions. Maybe there’s a deeper situation or family tragedy affecting family members in different ways.

Skilled therapists can help by providing family sessions alongside individualized care. It may be helpful for patients and those in their immediate family to come together to talk things out. A therapist can act as a mediator, guiding the conversation and encouraging all members of the party to express themselves and listen to others. This approach can lead to important breakthroughs when all those involved are prepared to put the work in to communicate and appreciate what other people are saying. Parents need to come in this from a place of compassion and patience while still being honest. Teens can break down walls when given the chance to express themselves. However, this approach isn’t going to work for all families, especially those with damaging and toxic relationships. Expert psychiatrists will appreciate that and ensure they set up sessions that are beneficial to their patients. If it’s best that certain family members stay away, that’s what should happen.

Compassionate Professional Help Is Out There

Finding the perfect therapist can take time. You want to be sure the facility you’re dealing with has the experience and training to provide adolescent, adult, and child psychiatric services rather than simply applying adult psychiatry tools to a younger patient. Ideally, you’ll find somewhere that can treat every member of the family with the same care and respect, whatever their age. That means effective child psychiatry sessions that evolve into adolescent care, as well as advantageous family sessions. Check out the services and credentials of local therapy centers, talk to the team, and find somewhere that works for the whole family.