three goldfish swimming in aquarium

Emotional Support Fish

Fish aren’t exactly the most common type of emotional support animal, but that’s not to say they aren’t worth your consideration!

While they won’t shower you with physical affection, they can provide comfort and support in a variety of other ways. They’re also a particularly great choice if you’re after a low-maintenance companion who won’t take up your time throughout the day.

What Is an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)?

An emotional support animal, or ESA, is an animal that provides therapeutic relief for people with mental health conditions. They offer support through their physical presence and companionship, and help mitigate stress, anxiety, and rumination.

ESAs also bring a sense of structure and routine to the lives of their owners. For example, caring for an animal will typically involve exercising, feeding, and playing with them at set times during the day.

Any animal can become legally recognized as an emotional support animal, and that includes fish.

Emotional Support Fish Legal Rights

While ESAs aren’t granted public access rights, they do receive some legal protections. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a housing federal law that grants them the following privileges:

  • Exemption from a landlord’s no-pet policy in rental properties
  • Exemption from pet-related fees in housing, such as pet rent or pet-related security deposits

The only time an animal would be denied these protections is if they are disruptive, display aggressive behavior, or can’t feasibly be accommodated due to their physical size or nature.

However, since fish are contained within a tank and aren’t going to cause a disruption or take up much space, they aren’t ever likely to be denied their ESA rights.

Do Fish Make Good Emotional Support Animals?

Yes, fish can make excellent ESAs for the right owners! While they’re not companions you can cuddle and physically play with, they can provide emotional support in plenty of other ways:

  • Maintaining a tank can feel therapeutic, bring routine and stability, and give you a strong sense of purpose
  • A fish’s constant presence can provide a source of companionship and ease loneliness
  • Watching a fish’s swimming patterns can feel soothing and help distract you from intrusive thoughts
  • Despite common misconceptions, fish can be trained to perform tricks — the reward of training your fish can feel fulfilling and boost your confidence
  • The gentle, repetitive sound of water movement can create a white noise-like effect. This can be calming and may even help you focus and sleep at night

Fish also make good emotional support animals because of their low-maintenance care needs. While you will need to look after their tank and feed them, you won’t need to groom them or exercise them. They’re also ideal for people who lead hectic schedules since they don’t need to be supervised throughout the day and can be left alone for long periods.

How Do I Get an Emotional Support Fish?

If you’re interested in adopting an emotional support fish, you first need to obtain a valid ESA letter. This can only be prescribed to you if you have a diagnosed mental health condition and have undergone an assessment with a licensed mental healthcare professional (LMHP).

The ESA assessment essentially serves as a space where you can openly share your struggles and convey why you believe an ESA will be helpful for your emotional well-being.

If the LMHP believes an ESA would help you better manage your disability-related symptoms, they will prescribe you the ESA letter.


A third-party service, such as US Service Animals, can help you initiate the emotional support animal assessment process. They will get you in touch with an LMHP and support you every step of the way. Alternatively, you can organize the assessment yourself by directly contacting your local medical practice.

Emotional Support Fish: Life-Changing Scaly Companions

Emotional support fish can offer immeasurable therapeutic relief for many people. They can lessen anxiety, ease feelings of loneliness, and bring routine and structure to the lives of those struggling with mental health disabilities.

You can adopt fish from local pet stores, but make sure that they’re being properly looked after. You should also familiarize yourself with their care needs and ideal tank conditions.

Just remember to go through the ESA assessment process before claiming your fish as an ESA. Otherwise, you won’t be legally entitled to the housing protections stipulated in the Fair Housing Act.